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Site Rules
No offensive content
No spreading of any copyrighted material
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Admin decisions are final
Please be nice
Can I use the images from the Dorset Heath Blog?Only with permission from the image's owner. You can find the owner either by the image or by checking at the bottom of the article. To request permission, contact the editor. In the future, it is hoped that images will be available under a Creative Commons licence, so you can use them privately, or if publically, then with a link back to the blog.
How should I prepare images for the blog?Images are great but they need to be prepared for publishing on the blog. If you are in a hurry or in doubt, send images as they are. Make sure you either own the image or have the owners permission Rename the image to describe the subject, e.g.: "Anacamptis_pyramidalis_at_Fontmell_Down_2022". Resize the image to no more than 1600 px wide or high Reformat the image to be "webp", or if you cannot do that, "jpg" with quality of at least 70% Refer to images by figure number if you need to and not by position (e.g. above/below) Please do not include images embedded within documents unless you just want to indicate where they should go and provide them separately.
How do I join the Dorset Flora Group?Membership is free and all you have to do is visit the DFG Home Page, download the "Recorders Register Opt-in Form", complete the form, ticking the DFG option, and follow the instructions to submit the completed form.
Can i submit a meeting report to the blog?Yes, of course. Try to make the report about your personal experience of the meeting and include photos taken at the meeting if possible. All content is subject to editing and any changes will be agreed with you before publishing. If you go to a meeting and you want to write a report, don't forget to check with the other attendees to avoid duplicate reports.
How can I write an article for Dorset Heath?Contact the editor with a brief summary of the article you want to submit. You will then be sent guidelines on publishing. Follow the guidelines to prepare your article and your images. Send these to the editor, who will review the article and send you back a revised copy if it needs to be edited. Once you have agreed the changes, the editor will publish the article and the images.
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